Clearance Level 1
I was the fastest employee ever to get Clearance Level 1. That's what they told me. This meant I could work with old files and databanks on the first level underground. They had dug an entire complex beneath the building. As the city was sitting on pure stone, they could simply go on digging forever. I'm pretty sure they had an entire city block down there, long empty halls of white tile where you could hear your heels echo like gunshots. It was so vast, you rarely saw anyone down there, and when you did you just kept your head down and went on walking. There was no telling what clearance level they had. Any word you said might be interpreted as trying to solicit of pass on information you were meant to keep to yourself. Just keep your head down and do your work, the boss said, smiling proudly at me, one of his arms draped suspiciously over Sarra's shoulder like they were two parents sending me off to some glorious war to win a medal.